Study Info Control of Enforcement of Normative Acts to Meet EU Conditions  


The Rules and Procedural Issues examined the issue of ‘s participation in meeting the EU’s requirements granting its candidate status. They also decided study the control of enforcement normative acts and to establish a working group that would further discuss the document resulting from the inquiry.
“With the assistance of all parties involved, we will be in a position to reach a specific outcome on the basis this document within the working group.” The outcome is that we will be able turn it into a law and register it after we have resolved any challenges, such as parliamentary oversight and additional experience we may feel necessary to share on the best practices,” explained the Chair of the Committee .
He says that the bill should be registered by the 21st of September and that in order to provide oversight by the Parliament, it must make any necessary legislative changes or other types of legislative activities before .
Kadagishvili said that the Committee, to the extent of their authority, will actively get in touch during this period with all factions and parliamentary political groups as well as nongovernmental and professionals working in this area, in order for all issues to be resolved in a single group and to create legislative proposals.
He claims that the Committee would make pertinent inquiries to all parliamentary institutions from whom it would be necessary to obtain data to conduct a study on this parliamentary oversight.


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