Preserving Narikala as a National Treasure  


It is important to protect the national heritage.
Narikala Fortress is not only a reminder of the Georgians’ resilience, but it also forms an iconic part of ‘s skyline. The ancient citadel dates to the beginnings of the empire but has fallen into disrepair in the modern age. This iconic location should be respected for its history, as well the memory of the citizens and warriors who built it.
The exact origin of the fort that is now known as Narikala on the hill is unknown. However, given its location and the tactical advantages it offers, it’s likely to have been home to smaller wooden castles in pre-Roman days. The first mention of a structure on the heights dates back to the 4th century AD. The large stone construction we associate with today’s fortress was built in the 5th century. Some sources attribute the original construction to the Persians, while others credit the founder of Tbilisi, Vakhtang Gogasali.
In the early days, Tbilisi was surrounded by woods, with some farmland near the river. The wood would have meant that the early structures were more wooden palisades than stone walls and towers. This type of construction is more common than the popular movies portray. Stone structures were only used in important areas, such as the gatehouse or guard towers.
As the permanence of the structure became a reality, it would have gradually evolved into a brick-and-mortar castle. Some sources state that the Arab Umayyads installed many of the modern battlements in the 8th Century.
It is not the first time that this jewel has been preserved. The area is already under the watch of small institutions, but they lack the reverence and service that a Georgian Castle deserves. Litter still tarnishes the courtyards and battlements of this castle, and many visitors enter it unaware of its rich history. In light of this, it is more than appropriate to create a Narikala Historic Park Service.
has a close ally that can serve as a model for inspiration. The National Park Service maintains many National Military Parks. The oldest is the Chickamauga & Chattanooga National Military Park. This historic battlefield preserve was founded in 1890 and offers a variety of services and events to the public.
It is located in the historic southwest region of America and is a large area that preserves the site of the Battle of Chickamauga, which was fought between September 18th and 20th,1863. The battle between Federal forces and Confederate was one of the biggest fought in the five-year conflict. The three days of heavy combat in forests and farmland led to the retreat of Federal forces and one of the highest death tolls in soil.
The location offers a wealth information to its visitors. From battlefield markers, monuments that show the progression of the units during battles, to Living History demonstrations where volunteers are outfitted in period clothing and weapons and perform maneuvers and firing exercises. Narikala is no exception.
Benefits are not limited to financial ones. The Georgians are very proud of their long history. Restoring a piece of this history will bring back national pride.
Visitors would be charged a nominal fee for the restoration of the interior and exterior structures and battlements, and they could tour the site without any restrictions. Local volunteers could provide historical demonstrations, and guides and “park rangers,” would be on hand to help. Narikala can increase tourism revenue by implementing a marketing campaign that is part of the existing tourism program and partnering with tour companies.
The benefits of increased tourism are not just financial. The Georgians are very proud of their long history and the restoration of an important piece of it would lead to a revival of national pride. A physical symbol of Georgia’s history, unity and strength is not only a source of pride for the people, but also a focal-point of traditional Georgian value. National heritage should never be allowed to deteriorate.
The would be responsible for administering the site. It may also create a new category of ““, or “National Military Parks”. Employees of this agency would be federal employees. Volunteers would be unpaid individuals who provide their own historical equipment. As an incentive, season tickets or other benefits could be offered. These jobs provide a great outlet for local historians and history enthusiasts. The opening of this designation could begin the process of protecting or registering fortresses, ancient battlefields, and castles across the country.
Tourism in Georgia is largely a result of its natural beauty, its renowned cuisine, and its unique shores. Fewer people come to the region because of its rich and varied history, which spans from prehistory, the existence of Mankind’s earliest settlements and the struggle for freedom, up to Soviet rule. This history is sadly underrepresented, especially that of Georgia in the pre-19th century and its diverse mix of kingdoms and cultures. In a country that longs for unity, restoring one of its most visible symbols could be the easiest way to restore Georgia’s power.
By Michael Godwin


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