Shalva Papuashvili says the radical opposition’s election promise is to escalate the conflict with Russia. This means that we will be in a military confrontation. Voters should know what they are voting.  


The voter should know what he’s voting for and make a decision based on this knowledge. He shouldn’t vote for , destruction, and the economic and political collapse of Georgia – said Shalva Papuashvili, the of Parliament and a member of “Georgian Dream”‘s political .
Shalva Papuashvili also discussed the European Parliament resolution and the opposition’s assessment, that they would fulfill the request written in this resolution and impose sanctions against Russia as soon they came to power.
“It turned out that after two and half years, the structures in the finally recognized what they had actually demanded of the . In the resolution of European Parliament, the public was able to read what the authorities knew for a long period of time, what they told them behind closed door, and what they had insisted from the authorities. The public has seen what the authorities wanted to do. They asked us to impose sanction on Russia. We saw the opposition’s reaction that they would comply with the request in the resolution and impose sanctions against Russia as soon they came to power. The “” as well as “Lelo”, to name a few, have stated that they will join the European Union sanctions and, therefore, impose bilateral sanctions against Russia. Their election promise is that they will escalate the conflict with Russia and bring Georgia to a standstill. This will directly lead to the collapse of Georgia’s economy, as well as a conflict. The have made this promise to . Accordingly, voters should be aware of what they are voting for, and take responsibility for their decision. They should not vote for war, destruction, and the economic and political collapse of Georgia”, said Shalva Papuashvili.


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