Mamuka Khzaradze says the state company controlled by China’s Communist Party will be removed from Anaklia’s project. According to our plan, co-owners of Anaklia Port will become Georgian Citizens  


According to , leader of the “Strong coalition”, according to their plan the co-owners at Port will become .
The party’s press office has distributed Mamuka ‘s speech.
“In the first 3 weeks [of the formation] of the coalition , we will quickly introduce amendments to and the Chinese Communist Party controlled, state-owned firm will be removed from this project. We will then conduct a new tender for Anaklia Port to select a company with a high reputation and complete the construction of Anaklia Port quickly.
I also want to tell you that, according to our plan the co-owners at Anaklia Port will become citizens of Georgia. The shares of Anaklia Port will be offered to Georgian citizens. The start of Anaklia Port and Anaklia City, as well as other megaprojects will create tens of thousand jobs in Georgia.
The will not only bring back the historical function of Georgia, but it will also be a project with national and significance, creating the main state for the country and creating employment”, said Khazaradze.


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