AI-powered drones to help demine Ukrainian farmland  


**AI to Help Clear **

company called Safe Pro Group has partnered with a Ukrainian farm, Nibulon. They will use special drones and AI technology to detect landmines on farmland.

Ukraine is a big , but it’ also very dangerous because of the ongoing war. Many areas have been contaminated by explosives. The government estimates that over 139,000 square kilometers of land might be contaminated. It could take more than 10 years and cost $35 billion to clear all the mines.

The between Safe Pro Group and Nibulon will use special software called SpotlightAI to make it easier and faster to survey affected areas. This technology can look at many drone images quickly and help find explosive remnants.

In Ukraine, war has caused farmers to abandon their land. It’s already cost $ billion in lost crops. The government is working hard to clear the mines, but it needs all the help it can get.

Safe Pro Group’s AI technology has already looked at over 931,000 drone images and found more than 18,000 explosive remnants across 10,500 acres. This is a big step forward in clearing the landmines.

Nibulon is a big company that specializes in exporting grains like wheat, barley, and corn. They have their own fleet of ships and a shipyard. Ukraine is one of the most mined countries in the world, with over 533,000 explosive devices neutralized since February .

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