Aleksey Pushkov, the head of the Information Policy Commission of the Council of the Russian Federation said that the Western plan to change the Georgian regime with the support of the Opposition has failed.
“Perhaps chaos will still reign in Georgia. But it appears that the Western plan to change the government with the help of the opposition has failed. “Georgian Dream”, which received more than 54% votes, won. The “Georgian Dream” won, receiving more than 54% of the votes. The West’s plan was for Georgia to become its semi-colony, and to join the multi-gender European nation family. “However, for some strange reason, this did attract the majority Georgian voters,” Pushkov stated.
Salome Zurabishvili – the president of Georgia – failed to convince his fellow citizens about the appeal of European values.
“And now that the elections have brought “Georgian Dream”, a victory again, we ask, to what extent Zurabishvili, as president, is in line with the sentiments and feelings of the Georgians?!” – noted Pushkov.
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