Ana Natsvlishvili, after the change of government our plan is to cancel the fines imposed against demonstrators and compensate those affected  


**New Plans to Repeal Fines Imposed Demonstrators**

The “” party and the “” coalition plan to cancel fines imposed on demonstrators after a change in government. The of these parties, including Ana Natsvlishvili, said that the fines are unconstitutional and violate international law.

**Fines Were Unfair and Unjust**

According to Ana Natsvlishvili, the fines were used unfairly against demonstrators by the previous government. She added that the code under which the fines were issued is a Soviet- adopted in 1984 and has no place in a democratic Georgia.

**Compensation Those Affected**

The party plans to compensate individuals who were fined or detained under this unconstitutional law. The source of compensation will come from the personal of those who distorted the law and justice, as well as corruptly obtained benefits and revenues.

**Holding Officials Accountable**

Ana Natsvlishvili stated that officials who enforced this illegal law and punished will be held accountable by law. This includes so-called law enforcement officers and who were involved in these unfair practices.

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