Ana Natsvlishvili, Bidzina voted under conditions of unprecedented mobilization by security guards. The district was blocked and citizens were not able to exercise their rights to vote. This is a violation to the law  


voted under the conditions of unprecedented mobilization of security officers, who blocked the precinct. were not able to exercise their rights to vote because the voted. , one of the leaders of ‘Strong Georgia’, said that this was a violation of law.
According to her, she is not allowed by law to document any violations of the law on the site.
Natsvlishvili urged the of the third district and the commission to adhere to the .
“On day, a Russian Oligarch violated Georgian Law while voting. He voted under the conditions of unprecedented mobilization of security officers, who blocked the precinct. Citizens were not able exercise their right of voting at that time because the oligarch voted. This is a violation. According to Georgian law, voting is not allowed. In this regard, “Strong Georgia’s” representative filed a complaint. This was followed by an angry response from the commission. Even now, our representative who intends to defend the legislation of Georgia and to write a complaint about the illegality, in full compliance with law, is not permitted to exercise his authority. I would like to appeal to the chairman of Mtatsminda’s first district and the members of commission, do not protect the Russian Oligarch but protect the laws of this country. This is your duty!” Natsvlishvili said.


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