Ana Natsvlishvili says that without a free media environment the election period can’t be considered free. Not airing election ads is illegal and unconstitutional censorship.  


Coalition “Strong “, is suing media outlets “” & ““, for refusing air their video.
Ana Natsvlishvili said, at a briefing in the office, that not airing election advertisements is “illegal and unconstitutional political discrimination”.
According to her, the election period would not be free if there was no free media environment.
“The ‘s fear that it will lose the election on October 26 seems to have been transferred into the media they control. Unfortunately, “Imedi” (the TV company) and “Rustavi” (the radio station) do not hesitate to violate the Constitution of Georgia to prevent from telling the truth to the people of Georgia about the crimes committed ““. We have known for a long time that “Imedi”, the TV company, has not allowed us to broadcast live and has prevented us from talking to the citizens of Georgia on the issues they are interested in. But what we see now is illegal and unconstitutional censorship. They went to great lengths in order to block our campaign ads. This is illegal.
Today, we are filing two complaints against “Imedi” TV and “Rustavi 2. These media outlets do not only violate the political union but also the rights of all citizens of Georgia. This is particularly difficult for democracy during the pre-election phase. I would like to remind everyone that and the electoral environment cannot and will never be free, and conducted in a safe environment, without a free media. They and these two media outlets are now restricting a free media atmosphere in an unconstitutional way. We have known for a very long time that your dirty methods are used against the opposition. But what you do now against the citizens has no relevance.
Ana Natsvlishvili said, “This is the continuation of authoritarian actions which are the trademark of “Georgian Dream”, where they don’t shy away from breaking laws, violence, intimidation campaigns, but to maintain their power”.


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