Anna Fotyga – Varhelyi’s assessment proves that Georgia Ukraine and Moldova are on track  


The Conservatives and Reformists Group shares the hope of Georgia staying on the same strategic path.
Anna Fotyga is the ECR’ Coordinator for Affairs. She believes that the assessment given by Enlargement Commissioner Oliver Varhelyi in Stockholm to European Affairs Ministers proves that these three countries are on track and the EU should be preparing itself to welcome them soon as new .
“We hope the process of adjusting the legal and introducing necessary reforms in all three countries will continue smoothly and uninterruptedly, so that positive assessment can be sustained and accession talks can be launched this coming year,” Ms Fotyga stated.
“We welcome the progress that , , and Georgia have made towards Integration. In particular, the progress that Ukraine and Moldova have made in meeting the set conditions shows the high motivation and dedication of our partners who should join the European Family as soon as possible.
“I hope that despite all the difficulties and complications that we have seen in the case Georgia in recent months, Georgia’s leadership will make the strategic direction and pace of the country’s EuroAtlantic Integration and the appropriate pace a priority. The courage and determination of the that we witnessed in March this past year gives me hope for the future of the country. I also welcome the pardoning of one of the political prisoner Nika Gvaramia. I see it an important step in depolarisation, and a commitment to freedom of expression and freedom of media.
“I am pleased at every step Georgia makes on the road to Euroatlantic integration. The magnitude of the challenges and threats we face require bold decisions from us all – and officials, media, and society. Unfortunately, the words, choices and decisions made by the ruling parties do not confirm their commitment to a Euroatlantic vision. We cannot limit ourselves to technicalities. We are in a time of testing that will determine our destiny. I am convinced that we will have a prosperous future with Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia”, Anna Fotyga concluded.
Related Story: Varhelyi : Georgia has made limited progress in the direction of deoligarchization


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