Archil Gorduladze, on the statement of the CoE’s Bureau of the Congress, said: “I wonder what their reaction will be if the people of their countries cursed police officers, threw flares at them and tried to burn police officers alive.” !  


Georgian Parliament Member Speaks Out Against of Europe’s Statement

Archil Gorduladze, the Chairman of the Parliamentary Committee Legal Issues in Georgia, has responded to a statement made by the of the of the Council of Europe. The Bureau called free and fair repeat elections at the national level, and suggested that local elections be postponed without significant changes to the political environment.

Gorduladze was critical of the statement, saying that it was “completely baseless” and an attempt to directly interfere in Georgia’s internal affairs. He questioned how people would if someone made similar statements about their own .

The Chairman also drew attention to recent protests in Georgia, where were insulted and flares thrown at them. Gorduladze wondered what the reaction of other countries’ would be if such incidents occurred there. Instead of making a statement that could be seen as interference, he suggested that the Council of Europe’s Bureau should remain silent.

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