Archil Gorduladze (MP for “Georgian Dream”) held a briefing on the OSCE/ODIHR Interim Report and noted that the report states the media environment to be diverse but polarized.
Gorduladze claims that the opposition channels intentionally block the election clips from “Georgian Dream”, violating the law and creating an unequal media climate in the pre-election phase.
“The interim report mentions the Georgian media environment is diverse, but polarized. As you may know, the opposition party channel deliberately blocks the election clips of “Georgian Dream” without any legal arguments. These channels violate Georgian law and create an unequal and discriminatory media environment during the period leading up to the elections. We provided detailed information to Odiri’s monitoring mission about this, which unfortunately wasn’t evaluated in the interim reports. However, we hope it will be properly discussed and evaluated in next report”, said Archil Gorduladze.
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