Astra reports that Russia has bombed itself with a’smart-bomb’  


** Drops “Smart Bomb” Itself**

strange incident occurred in Russia’s . A “smart bomb”, a UMPB-250, was found in a village. Luckily, it did not cause any harm or damage.

The UMPB-250 is a special kind of bomb that uses the same warhead as an old FAB-250. However, it has been designed to be more accurate and can “glide” to its target using navigation systems and steering technology.

**Russia’s Bombing History**

This incident is not the first time Russia has dropped bombs on its own territory or on occupied Ukrainian land. In alone, Russia dropped 165 FAB bombs on itself, with an additional 13 this year.

often upgrades its old Soviet-era bombs to make them more effective and accurate. One way they do this is by adding a Unified Gliding and Correction Module (UMPK), which allows the bomb to glide towards its target.

**Improving Electronic Systems**

Russia has also been improving the electronic systems in their bombs, including navigation. Some of these bombs are equipped with Kometa antennas that help stabilize communication signals. This makes them less vulnerable to interference.

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