**Prosecutors Form Group to Mimic Student Movement**
A senior prosecutor in Serbia has formed a group of prosecutors that mimics the name of a student group. The group, called “Prosecutors Who Want to Work”, was formed by Nenad Stefanovic, chief public prosecutor at the Higher Public Prosecution in Belgrade.
Stefanovic is closely associated with the ruling Serbian Progressive Party (SNS). His move has raised eyebrows among other prosecutors and lawyers. “This is one in a series of things Stefanovic did in the domain of the irrational and incomprehensible”, said Prosecutor Predrag Milovanovic.
Milovanovic was critical of Stefanovic’s actions, saying that the law does not allow prosecutors to go on strike. He also questioned why Stefanovic would form a group with such a name. “Prosecutors, courts and the police have to work all the time… we play the role of protector of society and accepted values,” he said.
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