Bidzina Ilvanishvili: Peace and justice in Georgia will be ensured by a constitutional majority  


is the honorary of Georgian Dream. He stressed that the upcoming election is a referendum for peace, traditional values and national sovereignty. He promised that, once Georgian Dream achieved a constitutional majority in the country, they would ban the , and its affiliated parties. They will hold them accountable for crimes committed against the people including .
Ivanishvili said at a regional gathering in that the elections on are as important as the 2012 elections, which brought Georgian Dream into power. He described the election as a crucial moment for Georgia’s destiny, where the country will have to choose peace over and family values over what was called pseudo-liberal ideology. It will also be a time when the country has to choose sovereignty over external control. He said that a constitutional majoritiy would be needed to guarantee peace for the long term and prevent any attempts from the opposition to return power through revolutions or coups. This, he warned could drag Georgia into a war.
“The 26th of October elections are a referendum…” “The October 26 elections are a kind of referendum…
Ivanishvili made it clear as well that Georgian Dream will not tolerate a return to power of the National Movement. He accused the party and its foreign backers of trying to destabilize Georgia, and warned that their ambitious plans could lead the nation into conflict. In order to counter this, he stressed the need for the Georgian Dream party to gain a majority within the in order to ensure long-term peace.
He continued by saying that Georgian Dream will use legal means to ban the National Movement, and its successor parties, once the constitutional majority has been achieved. He promised to hold them accountable under the full force the law for crimes committed against Georgians, including war crimes.
“After obtaining a constitutional majority, we’ll ban the National Movement and its satellite parties or successors and make them answer to the full extent of the law for crimes committed against their people, including war crime.”
Ivanishvili’s address also stressed that Georgian Dream, with the support of the Georgian people behind it, would effectively stop any revolution plans by the opposition or their foreign supporters. He described Georgian Dream’s role as the only party that could protect the nation against external influences and internal turmoil. He expressed his confidence that Georgian Dream will win the elections and ensure a peaceful and secure future for Georgia.
“Legitimation granted by the society in this degree will actually nip the plans of the collective “National Movement” and their foreign patrons who aim to return power through a coup and revolution, and then involve Georgia in war!”


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