Brnabic defends SNS loyalists and attacks opposition  


**Serbian Politician Defends Loyalists**

The speaker of the Serbian parliament, Ana Brnabic, recently defended a group within her known as loyalists. She said they are important part of the ruling (SNS).

In an interview with the TV channel Pink, Brnabic mentioned that President had similar comments about the loyalists in the past. She also pointed out headlines from a daily newspaper called Danas, sarcastically suggesting that the loyalists should be arrested and expelled from the .

**Criticism of **

Brnabic used the opportunity to criticize the opposition, saying they want to take power through and then abolish democracy. She emphasized that the loyalists in her party are becoming stronger every day.

“We have people who are fed up with listening to big criminals talk about honesty,” Brnabic said. “They can’t stand it anymore.” She specifically criticized Dragan Djilas, the leader of the of Freedom and (SSP).

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