Camp of war veterans outside the Serbian Presidency  


**Assault at Camp Outside Presidency**

group of men, identified as of a paramilitary unit from the , were involved in an altercation with passersby outside the Serbian Presidency building on Tuesday.

The men, who wore distinctive red berets, were initially thought to be veterans of the Special Operations Unit (JSO), but were later identified as members of a similar unit formed by convicted criminal Dragan Vasiljkovic. This unit was known wearing identical red berets and had been transferred to the Serbian State JSO.

Videos on social media showed one of the men attacking a passerby with a metal cane, while another man was seen shouting abuse and making threats at the smaller group of people nearby.

The altercation occurred near a camp set up by students who are protesting against the current . The were trying to get into the camp when they encountered the group of veterans.


The red berets worn by the men have been associated with several groups, including the Serbian military’s elite parachute brigade and a unit involved in the assassination of former Prime Minister Zoran Djindjic. Some members of these units have been seen at student protests and other events.

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