CEC: Out of 1201 complaints, 167 were partially or fully satisfied, 917 not satisfied, and ten complaints were left unresolved.  


is the head of legal department at the Central Commission. According to him, 1201 complaints have been submitted to . Of these, 167 were partially or fully satisfied, 917 not satisfied, while 107 complaints remain unresolved.
Santuriani said at the press that 290 of Precinct Election Commissions were charged with disciplinary responsibility. According to him, he also said that the results of 427 precinct elections commissions had been recalculated. However, this did not result in any significant changes to the final results.
“In total, 1201 complaints were filed with district election commissions the day of the . Of these, 537 were in relation to invalidating the results of precinct elections commissions or recounting them. 466 complaints included a request for disciplinary action, and 47 complaints did not. 151 complaints were submitted with a request that the appropriate response be given or for appropriate action to be taken. A total of 167 complaints were partially or fully satisfied. 917 complaints were not resolved, and 107 complaints were left unresolved. This represents 8.9% of all complaints. Yes. Yes.
As a result, 290 members were charged with disciplinary action and the results of twelve portable ballot boxes were annulled their own initiative. Related complaints were submitted about their part. On their own initiative, 12 precinct elections commissions had their results recalculated. Related complaints were also submitted.
The results of 427 precinct elections commissions were recalculated on the basis of the . As a result, there was no significant change in the final results. Overall, the changes are not significant.
It is also important to provide the information on how many complaints have been submitted in relation to the preparation of the protocol for administrative offenses. This refers complaints relating to possible violations of existing rules pertaining to agitation or use of administrative resources. A total of 114 complaints have been filed. The majority of the complaints were related to agitation on . The total number of complaints was 65. As a result, 12 protocols for administrative offenses were drafted and sent to the courts.
As far as we are aware, there is only one case scheduled for today in the Courts of Appeal. We do not yet know the outcome. In fact, the discussion on election disputes is now complete in both the election administration and the general courts”, said Giorgi Santiuriani, head of the legal division of the CEC.


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