**British Charity Closes Down Pizza Service in Ukraine Due to Safety Worries and Fundraising Difficulties**
A British charity called HopeFull has announced that it is ending its pizza-serving efforts in war-torn Ukraine. The organization had been cooking pizzas in specially kitted-out vans and serving them for free across 1,800 locations since Russia invaded the country three years ago.
HopeFull’s founder, David Fox-Pitt MBE, said that it was a “sad moment” to bring an end to the service. Despite serving over 2.5 million free pizzas, the charity faced safety worries and fundraising difficulties. The organization had raised over £3m in three years but struggled to collect enough money to keep the operation going.
**Volunteers Reflect on Their Experience**
One of HopeFull’s volunteers, Jozef Mycielski from Sedbergh, spoke to BBC Radio Cumbria about his experience with the charity. He said that it had been a privilege to bring “moments of hope” to people in Ukraine and that serving pizzas was not just about food, but also about providing smiles and signs of solidarity.
Mycielski said that he had witnessed firsthand the devastating effects of the conflict on the country’s people. He mentioned that there are now over 70,000 amputees, millions with PTSD, and billions or trillions in physical damage. Despite this, he said that hearing stories from displaced people and being able to give them a pizza, coffee, or football was a real privilege.
**Future Plans**
HopeFull will continue its HopeFull Future rehabilitation project, which helps servicemen, medics, and their families rebuild their lives. The charity’s founder, David Fox-Pitt MBE, thanked the amazing staff and over 500 volunteers who made this remarkable enterprise possible.
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