Despite questions about their legitimacy, Parliament recognizes the credentials of all 150 MPs  


**New Parliament Forms Despite Election Complaints**

new parliament has formed , despite complaints that the were unfair. All 150 MPs have been recognized by the majority party, Georgian Dream.

The first session of parliament was held September 17th. The eldest member of parliament, Lado Kakhadze, congratulated all MPs present and those mentioned as members of parliament. The GD deputies then voted to recognize their credentials.

**Protests Outside Parliament**

But not everyone agrees with the new parliament. Citizens protested outside the building where the first session was held. Heavy police forces were also deployed.

**President Refuses to Convene Session**

, who does not accept the election , refused to convene the first session of Parliament. She has challenged the election results in the .

** Reject Parliament**

The parties that won mandates say they do not recognize the new parliament. Three of them – Unity-UNM, Coalition for Change and Strong Georgia – have vowed to renounce their MP mandates. The fourth party, Gakharia-For Georgia, says it will not give legitimacy to a parliament formed by highly disputed elections.

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