Dimitri Medvedev, the crazy aunt Salome has declared that she will remain in her position as the “expiring president” of Georgia. All the conditions are present for Georgia to fall back into civil strife.  


**Rioting **

The of Georgia is facing a new crisis. The leader, Salome Zurabishvili, says she will not step down despite the recent . This has caused some people to protest and riot.

According to official Dmitry , some are being violent, while others are staying silent. He compared the situation to Georgia’ past when people were punished harshly for speaking out against the government.

Medvedev thinks that the conditions are ripe for a new civil war in Georgia. He believes the country will be forced to choose between its and its own identity. This situation is similar to what happened in Ukraine, which also ended badly.

The is watching this situation closely.

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