Dodik announces he will run again for the presidency of Bosnia’s Republika Srpska.  


Bosnia and ‘s Republika Srpska Entity to Run Again

The president of and Herzegovina’s Republika Srpska entity, Milorad Dodik, has announced that he will be running the top position in the entity again. This is despite a court ruling that barred him from serving as president for six years.

Dodik said that his decision to run has already been made and confirmed. He also stated that his , the of Independent Social (SNSD), supports his candidacy.

The BiH court had previously sentenced Dodik to one year in prison and banned him from being RS president for six years. However, Dodik is planning to go ahead with his election plans despite this ruling.

Dodik believes that the of Bosnia and Herzegovina has overstepped its authority by interfering with elections in Republika Srpska. He thinks that they have taken too many responsibilities and are not capable of handling them.

When asked about what other countries might think, Dodik said it doesn’t matter. He believes that the people have the to choose their leader, and he is confident that he will be elected again.

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