DRI: Russia threatens to annex Abkhazia  


The Institute (DRI), a non-profit , reports on ‘s aggressive strategies of annexation towards . These are characterized by harassment of the civil and organizations. The highlights the presence of a Russian base in Ochamchire which poses a serious security concern for the area.
Illegally detained individuals are a large number near the occupied territory, posing a significant safety challenge for Georgians as well as posing a risk to the execution of .
“The situation in the field of human rights is particularly difficult in occupied areas.” The conditions of ethnic Georgians held in prisons and other detention facilities is alarming. Vitali Karbaia died last year from injuries caused by police in occupied Abkhazia. Irakli bebua is still in illegal detention after four years. As of , the ethnically Georgian Abkhazian population will continue to face challenges due to the restriction on their right to education.


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