DVL Group plans to reduce IT staff by 15% following the merger with Lifecell, Ukraine’s third largest mobile operator.  


**‘s Telecom Company to Cut 15% of IT Staff**

new company Ukraine, DVL Group, is planning to reduce its IT department by 15%. This decision was due to business changes and optimization.

DVL Group was formed last year when a French billionaire, Xavier Niel, bought two Ukrainian telecom companies. He combined Data Group Volia and Lifecell, which is Ukraine’s third-largest mobile operator. The deal was worth over $500 million and was the biggest foreign investment in Ukraine since the started.

The for Reconstruction and Development and another organization helped this big deal by giving DVL Group $435 million.

**IT Department Will Change**

DVL Group plans to make some changes to its IT department. This might mean fewer staff , as the company tries to simplify its business . The changes are expected to be finished by 2025.

The company said that it is trying to find ways to keep everything running smoothly without losing quality or efficiency.

**More Staff Hired**

But even though some IT staff will lose their jobs, DVL Group is planning to hire more than 300 new specialists in its technical division. This is because the company wants to build and modernize power grids and make energy systems stronger.

Read More @ kyivindependent.com

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