EU Delegation: Elections marked by hardened polarization  


The of European Union, in coordination and cooperation with the embassies of Member States of European Union, commented about the first round of local elections in Georgia in 2021, saying that they were generally well managed, but characterized by a hardened polarization.
“On 2 October, local election took place in Georgia. The European Union commends citizens who exercised their democratic right to vote at these elections as well as the dedicated staff and observers. We are pleased that a full International Election has been deployed. This mission concluded that elections were generally well-managed, despite a hardened polarisation. Contestants were able campaign freely in an environment of competition, and the Election Day was conducted in a transparent and orderly manner. The also revealed important flaws, including widespread and consistent accusations of intimidation, vote buying, pressure on voters and candidates, and an uneven playing field. The ruling party also benefited from the imbalance of resources and the unfair advantage of being in power. The underrepresentation in the campaign of women demonstrates that a greater commitment is needed to ensure adequate representation in political life.
“We note that the amendments adopted before the elections substantially improved legal framework. It is important to consider all ODIHR recommendations in a comprehensive manner, including those relating to voting rights, certain aspects of electoral dispute settlement, and additional measures to counter misuse of state resources. It is essential to reform the judiciary in order to increase trust, including in the handling electoral complaints.
“The current polarisation is having a negative impact on Georgia’s democratic system – it is the responsibility of all parties to address this.”
“In light of the second round elections, the European Union urges the authorities and all political parties to make urgent additional efforts to ensure an honest electoral process. The reported malpractices cannot become the norm. We also expect swift and credible investigations into all complaints, including those involving reported intimidation or violence against .
“The European Union remains a consistent supporter for efforts to strengthen the democracy in Georgia.” Our relationship will be based on respect for human rights and democratic , values that are at core of the -Georgia .
Related Story: OSCE mission head: Election Day was generally calm, with violent incidents


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