**Photos of the Year: Joy and Wonder in 2024**
In a year marked by conflict, hardship, and uncertainty, people around the world found ways to express joy and wonder.
**A Girl’s Escape from Gang Violence**
In Port-au-Prince, Haiti, a young girl found solace in a simple game. Playing jump rope with her friends brought out an exuberance that seemed impossible amidst the gang violence that surrounds her neighborhood. Her eyes closed, she jumped and grinned, a small but resilient smile on her face.
**Tomatina Celebrations**
In Spain‘s village of Bunol, people came together to celebrate the annual Tomatina tomato fight festival. A reveller lay in a pool of squashed tomatoes, grinning from ear to ear. The joyful atmosphere was contagious, with people laughing and playing amidst the splattered fruit.
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