Farmers block public hearings on spatial plan in Bogatic  


Farmers and Stop Hearing on Mining Plan

On Friday, a group of farmers and protesters stormed the Bogatic Municipal Council hall. They prevented a public hearing from taking place. The council was going to discuss the municipality’s spatial plan.

The plan was supposed to talk about lithium mining. But the protesters wouldn’ let that happen. There were some fights between the councilors and the protesters.

“We ‘t want to talk about the ,” said Pajic, a . “People are getting very angry. We won’t let them talk about it.”

Pajic even stood on a podium to tell everyone what was happening. He told the protesters to leave, but they were going to stay and make sure the hearing didn’t happen again.

There was also a big rally Bogatic at the same time. A reporter said he had never seen so many people gather there before.

The public hearing was supposed to talk about a new plan for Bogatic until 2035. It included area for lithium and boron mining, which covers over 200,000 hectares of farmland. This has many farmers very upset.

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