FM Djuric apologizes as well for voting in favor of Ukraine resolution at UN  


**‘s FM Apologizes for in Favor of Ukraine Resolution**

picture of Serbian and Marko Djuric is shown.

Serbian Foreign Affairs Minister Marko Djuric apologized on Wednesday for voting in favor of a European resolution on Ukraine at the United Nations. He said that if anyone should apologize, it’s him.

Djuric made his apology K1 TV, saying “I don’ want to shift the blame on anyone in the Ministry.” He added that the circumstances were unusual and that Serbia would stick to its principle of respecting the territorial integrity and sovereignty of internationally recognized states.

**Serbia’s Position**

Djuric said that there have been significant changes in the US and key European countries, with a redistribution of power. He stated that Serbia has access to decision-makers and that President has good relationships with world leaders.

The minister emphasized that Serbia is working to change things and promote its interests. “We are changing things, we are fighting for change in Serbia,” he said.

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