Frontline report: Ukraine counters Russian advances in Kursk and reclaims five kilometers of lost territory  


Despite being outnumbered by three to one, Ukrainian forces quickly retook control of two towns in Kursk oblast after the Russians had advanced 10 km.
Today, there are many updates on the Kursk direction.
After a month-long accumulation of additional forces, the Russians decided to once again attack Ukrainian positions, penetrating their flank by ten kilometers.
Understanding the danger of a possible breakthrough in Kursk, the Ukrainian command immediately launched counterattacks against overextended , shaving off already more than 5 km.
After regaining control of Snagost, and the surrounding areas, the element surprise faded. This prompted Russian assault units for a second counteroffensive.
To support this, the Russian command increased troop numbers from 30,000 up to 50,000 in the area. This major boost in their counteroffensive is likely to change the dynamics of the battles in Kursk where outnumber Ukrainians at least three-to-one. These reinforcements were possible because troops from Kupiansk and were re-deployed, weakening ‘s offensive efforts in Kursk.
The Russians, with many of their forces redeployed in Kursk, concentrated their offensive by deploying armored column along the Korenevo Sudzha highway towards Zeleni Shlyakh. This settlement is located at a crucial road intersection that is key to Ukrainian supply routes in the nearby villages of Lyubimovka and Tolstyi Lug. Securing the village and the intersection would allow Russian forces to either attack the semi-encircled Ukrainian position in these villages, or force them to retreat.
The frontline in the area was not clearly defined, so the Russians chose to advance along the highway. Ukrainian troops concentrated their defenses in towns, rather than on open terrain where trenches or fortifications could not be built for sustained defense.
Unopposed, a Russian column of more than 30 armored vehicles advances along the highway. They quickly entered and captured Zeleni shlyakh and the important road intersection. This success was not without cost. Ukrainian officers confirmed 15 of 30 Russian armored cars were destroyed in the assault.
The Russian advance, which was ten kilometers long, bypassed the main Ukrainian defences and reached the rear near an intersection where Ukrainian drone operators had been stationed. The Russian stormtroopers were able to capture nine drone operators who had no idea of the enemy’s approaching. In the end, Russian forces were able to reclaim a large part of the Korenevo Sudzha highway along with Zeleni Shlyakh and Novoivanivka as well as half of Leonidovo.
The Russians, despite advancing by ten kilometers, stretched their lines to nearly thirty kilometers. This put them in a very precarious situation. This advance created a cauldron with Ukrainian forces positioned at Olgovka, Matveevka, and Liubymovka in the , and Liubymovka in the south. It was a trap that looked like dragon jaws.
Ukrainian troops used these advantageous positions to launch counterattacks, which were aimed at cutting of Russian forces along the highway. They also attempted to encircle the assault group in Zeleni Shlyakh and destroy it by closing the jaws of the dragon around them.
After the Russian breakthrough, Ukrainian troops launched a counterattack and retook Leonidovo, Novoivanivka. They reclaimed nearly five kilometers that had been gained by Russia. The Ukrainian forces were able to maintain their offensive capabilities despite the heavy Russian attack, while the Russians struggled to hold on after suffering significant losses.
The Russian assault group will not recover from their 50% loss of vehicles and troops due to their vulnerable position. Ukrainian forces in Olgovka and Matveevka who suffered minimal damage can now target the highway that supplies Russian troops in Zeleni Shlyakh. The Russian forces, who have not yet received reinforcements for their losses, are at risk of being encircled, destroyed, and collapsing unless they intensify their attacks on their flanks.
Overall, Ukrainian forces were able to stall the Russian offensives at Kharkiv and other key fronts, such as Chasiv Yar and Toretsk by forcing over 50,000 to be redeployed to Kursk.
The , however, stopped Russian advances in Chasiv Yar for more than 3 months. Although Russia’s recent advances in Kursk are impressive, they have overextended themselves leaving them vulnerable to a coordinated Ukrainian attack that could push back and close the jaws of the dragon.
In our regular frontline reports, we team up with the military blog Reporting from Ukraine in order to keep you updated on what’s happening on the battlefield during the Russo Ukrainian war.


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