General Staff: Russia has lost 876 720 troops in Ukraine since February 24, 2022  


**‘s Losses in **

Russia has lost a lot of troops and equipment in Ukraine since February 24, 2022. According to the Armed Forces’ on March , Russia has lost 876,720 troops.

This number is very . Just over the past day, Russian forces suffered 1,110 . A casualty is someone who is hurt or killed.

**Russia’s Equipment Losses**

In addition to the many troops it has lost, Russia has also lost a lot of equipment. This includes:

* Tanks: 10,241
* Armored fighting vehicles: 21,274
* Vehicles and tanks: 39,218
* : 23,959
* Rocket launchers: 1,306
* Air defense systems: 1,091
* Planes: 370
* Helicopters: 331
* : 27,594
* Ships and boats: 28
* Submarines: 1

These numbers are based on the Ukrainian Armed Forces’ report.

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