Georgia sentencesd ex-President Saakashvili an additional 4.5 years for illegal border crossing  


**Former Sentenced to Prison**

A court Georgia has sentenced former to 4.5 years in prison for illegal border crossing.

Saakashvili, who was president from 2004-2007 and again from -2013, was arrested on October 1, 2021, after returning to Georgia from Ukraine without permission.

**Long History of Controversy**

The sentence is the latest development in a long-running controversy surrounding Saakashvili. He has been accused of embezzling state funds and had previously been sentenced to an additional 9 years in prison on those charges.

Saakashvili was president when Georgia fought a in 2008, and he has since become a vocal critic of Russian .

** Rules Proceedings Fair**

In May last year, the European Court of ruled that there were no grounds to believe that Saakashvili’s criminal proceedings were unfair.

However, his health has been a concern during his time in custody. He holds Ukrainian citizenship and previously served as governor of Odesa Oblast.

**President Zelensky Speaks Out**

In February this year, President Zelensky said that the Georgian was “killing” Saakashvili after images showed him significant weight loss.

The sentencing comes at a time of great tension in Georgia, with mass protests over disputed elections and concerns about the country’s EU integration.

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