Georgian Amb. Georgian Amb.  


The of Foreign Affairs of Georgia announced that Ambassador Extraordinary Plenipotentiary of Georgia in Ukraine Teimuraz Sharashenidze returned on April 21 to Kyiv and resumed his duties.
MFA Georgia reports the ambassador’s meeting with the Ukrainian Minister of Foreign Affairs and Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs.
“During the meetings the Ukrainian side welcomed ‘s decision to return the ambassador and positively evaluated the move, particularly in light of the military escalated along the Ukrainian border as well as in the temporarily occupied territory,” stated the MFA Georgia.
The statement reads: “The sides expressed their willingness to actively collaborate in further strengthening the strategic partnership between Georgia Ukraine.”
Salome , the of Georgia, demanded recently, on April 9th, the day that marked a national unification for Georgia, the return of the Georgian Ambassador to Ukraine.
“I don’t want to end this address on April 9, the day we celebrate our independence. I also want to express my solidarity with our Ukrainian friends in their current struggle. Zurabishvili said, “I consider it a symbol of this solidarity that we urgently send our ambassador back to Kyiv today.”
It’s been almost a full year since Georgia called its ambassador back from Ukraine.
The has announced that on May 8, 2020 it has recalled Ambassador Extraordinary Plenipotentiary Teimuraz Sharashenidze of Ukraine to Tbilisi, for consultations.
This decision was a result of the nomination of Sakashvili as the chairman of the Executive Committee for Reforms in Ukraine. This committee is a part of the National for Reforms.
The Georgian Foreign Ministry stated that being appointed to the council would not cause the suspension of diplomatic relations between Georgia and Ukraine or threaten the strategic partnership.
Related Story: President demands return of Georgian Ambassador To Ukraine


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