Georgian Dream Political Council: Every politician and bureaucrat that makes anti-Georgian remarks – whether they are a president or prime minister, a parliamentarian, a member of European Parliament, a diplomat, or an official – are members of the “deep-state” network  


** Speak Out Against EU’ “Deep State”**

statement from the political has accused many Union politicians and of being part of a secret network known as the “deep state”. This network is believed to be behind anti-Georgian policies the EU.

The statement claims that this network, often referred to as the “Soros network” after billionaire George Soros, is responsible for the EU’s negative attitude towards Georgia. It also blames them for promoting LGBT propaganda and migration policies that are eroding the identity of European countries and posing a threat to Georgia.

**Resetting **

The Georgian Dream council hopes that by 2030, the EU will have overcome the challenges of this “deep state” influence. This would create a more favorable environment for Georgia’s potential membership in the EU.

However, the statement emphasizes that Georgia should not wait passively for these changes to happen. Instead, it should actively contribute to addressing the challenges facing the European Union.

**A New Principle**

The Georgian Dream council wants the motto “peace, dignity, and prosperity” to become a guiding principle for Europe by 2030. This would apply not only to Georgia but also to each EU member state.

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