“Georgian Dream” Uses Intimidation Tactics to Suppress “National Movement” Billboards, Says Petre Tsiskarishvili 


, the General Secretary of the “Unity ,” has accused the “” coalition of using fear tactics to prevent businesses from displaying billboards for his party. According to Tsiskarishvili, this is a clear indication of how much the “Georgian Dream” fears the “National Movement” and their message.

“This shows just how afraid ‘Georgian Dream’ is of our billboards and the content we plan to display. We are the force that will bring about change in this regime, bring closer to the European Union, and ensure a future that is not marked by isolation and poverty. ‘Georgian Dream’ knows this, and they are using their power to intimidate businesses and prevent them from displaying our billboards,” Tsiskarishvili stated.

He further explained that the billboards are not neutral but are meant to convey a crucial message for the upcoming elections, a message that the “Georgian Dream” fears. Tsiskarishvili emphasized that this fear is now being extended to the , specifically targeting companies like “,” which, according to him, are being pressured not to display the party’s election materials.

“The ‘Dream’ regime, led by Ivanishvili, is afraid of the change we represent. They are now extending this fear to businesses, preventing them from displaying our campaign materials,” Tsiskarishvili added.

It is evident that the “Georgian Dream” is using its influence to suppress the message of the “National Movement” and prevent them from reaching the public. This tactic not only goes against the principles of fair competition but also shows the desperation of the to hold onto their power.


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