Germany’s new populist Party pressures coalition talks by taking an anti-Ukraine position  


According to a Reuters Nov. 3, Germany’ new leftist party, Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance – Reason and Justice (BSW), has been pressing mainstream parties in Germany to make significant concessions when they negotiate potential coalition deals in three eastern states. The BSW’s main demand is to stop military to Ukraine. This move could fracture Germany’s strong backing . The BSW was launched in January and is the only other party that opposes arming Ukraine, besides the right AfD. The Brandenburg branch of Social Democrats (SPD), which is known for its Russia-friendly and NATO-skeptical views, has already endorsed a joint declaration with the BSW. The document reportedly stated that “the will not end by further weapons deliveries” and expressed opposition to a possible deployment of U.S. missiles in Germany. Brugger called the BSW’s position “cynical” and “populist”, adding that anyone who talks about peace, but wants to end support for Ukraine is not interested in real peace. This policy would put our country’s security and that of our allies at risk. Dieter Reiter, SPD Munich Mayor, also condemned the language of the Brandenburg branch as “unacceptable”. “Although Germany’s governments can’t directly influence foreign policy in Germany, the BSW’s position highlights the increasing complexity of public opinion regarding the Ukraine war. Recent surveys show a waning enthusiasm among the public for supporting Ukraine despite the fact that Russia is advancing on the battlefield, and U.S. backing remains uncertain ahead of 5th’s election.


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