Iago Khvichia, President as a “Trojan Horse”, used by Georgian Dream in order to undermine the opposition  


of the “Girchi”, a political party, made an interesting analogy. He compared the Salome Zurabishvili with a “Trojan Horse” sent by the ruling “Kots”, (), to sabotage opposition candidates ahead of the election. He claimed that, rather than being a close ally of the opposition, the president has been strategically positioned to “explode from within” the opposition.
Khvichia criticised those who believed Zurabishvili was an oppositionist. He said, “Whoever believes the president is an opponent, I think he’s an idiot!” He said Zurabishvili was acting in the interest of Georgian Dream. He recalled how Ivanishvili (founder of Georgian Dream) had supported her in the previous and how she still serves his interests.
Khvichia believes Zurabishvili’s proposal to create a “” before the is a tactic to disrupt opposition. He said that the president offers prime ministerial posts and government positions to people who are desperate, further leading them in a trap.
“The President will push the opposition to the end, and blow them up with a technical administration before the elections,” said he, suggesting that the opponents are falling for a carefully orchestrated trick. Khvichiya thinks that the opposition is vulnerable because they rely on Zurabishvili – a figure they did not choose.
The deputy also criticised opposition politicians for failing to recognize Zurabishvili’s role in the strategy. He called their trust in Zurabishvili misplaced, and suggested they were being manipulated.
In context, Salome Zurabishvili, the President of , recently announced that she would present a technical Government before the elections and called on the signatories to the ““, to fulfill their commitments.


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