Imedi TV, a pro-government channel, refuses to air opposition campaign ads  


TV, a pro- channel, refuses to broadcast ads until opposition-leaning channels have aired those of the ruling Party.
Three opposition-leaning outlets – Mtavari TV TV and TV Pirveli – refused to air GD’s campaign ad. The ad showed images of -torn Ukraine, and contrasted them with the peace that it offers the Georgian people. Media outlets claim that GD’s ad was unethical, and constituted war propaganda. It incited national strife, and intimidated voters with war. Imedi TV claims that its refusal to broadcast the ads of opposition parties is a response to this decision.
The statement from the channel reads: “Despite the clear editorial policy of Imedi TV – not to let the “[United] “, which would lead to total disaster in the country – we continue to play the videos that they provide.”
Imedi TV’s statement of October 10 accuses the opposition media of not airing anti Ukrainian video clips and using flimsy reasons to justify breaking . It says that it will not air any opposition party ads until opposition-leaning media agrees on airing GD’s ad manipulating the war-torn Ukraine.
Imedi accuses pro-opposition media (which it calls the “UNM media”) of creating “imbalance” within the media environment. It declares that until the competitive electoral environment in this regard is ensured, we will not air the advertisements of the parties of the collective , which are the criminal face the former government.
As Imedi is the government-controlled media, the reference to the “collective UNM”, the GD’s traditional jargon, should be understood as referring to all opposition parties.
The should also do the same for Imedi, since it has upheld the GD complaints against opposition media that refused to air GD advertisements and declared them in violation of the law. It remains to be seen what ComCom will do with pro-government Imedi TV if the opposition parties make a complaint.


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