Irakli Kobakhidze, Georgian Dream’s high ratings are driven by peace and economic growth  


is the head of the Dream’s staff. He attributes the high rating of the party to two factors: the preservation of peace and the rapid of the country. Kobakhidze, speaking during the presentation of ‘s election program emphasized the importance of economic development.
He thanked the honorary chair of the party, Bidzina and the current for their roles in shaping and approvating the election program.
Kobakhidze stated that the “Georgian Dream’s” high rating is due to two main factors. The first is that despite the most difficult of challenges, peace has been maintained in our country. The second is the rapid growth of our in the past 3-4 years.
Kobakhidze emphasized that the peace in has been maintained despite significant challenges and that the economic growth in the last 3-4 year has been a major factor in the popularity of the party. He said that the priority will be to continue economic development in order for Georgia to improve social conditions, and strengthen its foreign policy.
He said that a special emphasis would be placed on the economic development of the country, since the progress it makes in all directions is closely tied to its economy.


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