Jersey can be proud of its work in Ukraine, says UN officer  


**Jersey’s Aid Efforts Praised**

A officer from Jersey is proud of the work done to help since Russia’s invasion. Leila Osman, a junior professional officer, has been working in Kyiv with the UNHCR (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees) since last .

Osman said that despite being a small island, Jersey is doing a lot to help Ukrainians. She was part of a scheme funded by Jersey Overseas Aid (JOA), which helps people on the island get into the UN’s junior professional officer .

**The Humanitarian **

Since the war started on February 24, , hundreds of thousands of people have been killed or injured. Osman described living in Kyiv as “daily bombardment,” with shelling happening frequently. However, she noted that the city has good air systems, which helps to minimize harm.

Osman’s work focuses on helping those displaced by fighting and refugees fleeing Ukraine. She said the humanitarian situation is particularly dire in the east of Ukraine, where people are affected daily without warning or chance to seek shelter.

**Emergency Response**

UNHCR provides emergency response services further away from the front lines. This includes providing food, clothes, and fuel to those in need. Osman highlighted that Russia’s attacks have destroyed two-thirds of Ukraine’s energy infrastructure, leaving many without power during freezing temperatures.

**Post-War Reconstruction**

Osman also discussed the post-war reconstruction efforts, including a major operation to deal with landmines left behind by forces. JOA has active de-mining program, which will be crucial in rebuilding the country when the war ends.

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