Joe Wilson Demands Sanctions Against Ivanishvili’s Immediate Families and Cronies “Dismantling Sanction Evasion Schemes”.  


**US Lawmaker Urges Further Action Against Georgian **

A US congressman has written the Secretary of State and National Security Advisor nominees, urging them to extend sanctions against a Georgian official and his associates.

Representative wrote to Marco and Michel Waltz December 30. He asked them to impose sanctions on Bidzina ‘s family members and close friends. Wilson also urged them to take action against “Georgian sanctions evasion schemes”.

**Sanctions Against Ivanishvili**

In December, the US Treasury imposed sanctions on Bidzina Ivanishvili for undermining democracy in Georgia. Wilson said this was a positive step, but more needs to be done.

**Wilson’s Concerns**

Wilson is concerned that the Georgian is working with other countries like and Russia to undermine democracy. He believes extending sanctions would be a strong action against these efforts.


Wilson has been a -time supporter of sanctions against Georgian officials who undermine democracy. He introduced the MEGOBARI Act in Congress, which aims to hold accountable those responsible for undermining Georgia’s democracy and report on intelligence assets in the country.

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