Kakha Kaladze : The President of the United States does everything possible to achieve an agreement to end the war in Ukraine. And of course, we backed the U.S. Resolution – this needs to come to a close  


**Ukraine Conflict Must End, Says Kakha Kaladze**

Kakha Kaladze, the Secretary of the Georgian , has spoken out about the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. In response to a resolution initiated by the at the UN, which calls for an end to the war in Ukraine, Kaladze said that peace is essential and must come to an end.

**The US President’ Efforts**

Kaladze praised the efforts of the President of the United States, saying he is doing everything possible to reach an agreement. He also stated that his party supports the resolution initiated by the US at the UN.

**Preventing Dangers to the **

When asked about what Ukraine could have done or not done, Kaladze emphasized that politicians are in politics to prevent dangers to their country and act in its interests. He cited the example of Georgia’s own experience with war in , which left deep wounds that still have not healed.

**Support for the US Resolution**

Kaladze stated that his party is committed to acting in the best interests of their country and people. He emphasized that no one should be allowed to advance their interests at the cost of the country’s death and suffering.

**UN Security Council Vote**

The UN Security Council may vote a draft resolution by the United States on Monday, which calls for the rapid end of the . The resolution has three points, including a demand for the rapid end of the conflict and mourning the tragic loss of life in the conflict. However, it does not specify who started the war or include specific demands towards the Kremlin.


The , which has recently warmed ties with Moscow, is the only co-sponsor of the resolution.

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