Levan Bezhashvili : During the meeting with Salome Zurabishvili’s representatives, we formed a consensus on the key issues Zurabishvili needs to raise in the US  


**Georgian Opposition Leaders Plan Messages for US Visit**

, a leader of , says that opposition groups and non- met to discuss what messages should be given to Salome Zurabishvili, the fifth of . She is currently in the .

**US Recognition**

Bezhashvilli told the press that the meeting was important because it showed that international partners do not recognize the elections held by the government led by . He said that this visit sends a strong message that the US stands with the Georgian people, not the current government.

**Main Issues to be Discussed**

At today’s meeting, opposition groups and NGOs decided on the main issues that Zurabishvili should talk about in her conversations with US partners. These include new elections and how to prepare for them.

**Plan for Elections**

The opposition and are preparing a detailed plan for dealing with the upcoming elections. They will be ready to take action when needed.

Read More @ www.interpressnews.ge

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