Lithuania withdraws from the Convention on Cluster Munitions  


** Leaves Cluster Munition Treaty**

March 6, Lithuania officially left the Convention on Cluster Munitions. This international treaty bans the production and use of cluster munitions, which are weapons that release many small bombs a wide area.

The voted to leave the treaty last July. The gave notice of its intention to withdraw from the convention in autumn 2022. Now that six months have passed since giving notice, Lithuania is no longer part of the treaty.

**Cluster Munitions and Ukraine**

These types of bombs are being used by Russian forces during their war on Ukraine. They have been dropped in civilian areas, causing harm to many people. The U.. has also started providing cluster munitions to Ukraine, but only for use outside populated zones against Russian forces.

Not all countries agree that these weapons should be banned. Some countries, like the U.S., , and Ukraine, are not part of the treaty. Many countries, over 110, have signed the convention.

**Lithuania’s Decision**

The said it needs to use any means possible to defend itself against potential aggression from its , including Russia. Lithuania is examining alternatives to cluster munitions but has withdrawn from the treaty as a message to potential opponents.

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