Louis Bono appointed as new Senior Advisor for Caucasus Negotiations  


, the new Senior Advisor on Caucasus Negotiations, was introduced by Antony Blinken.
“I appoint Louis L. Bono as Senior Advisor for Caucasus Negotiations. He is a member of Senior Foreign Service.” In this role, Mr. Bono works with regional leaders to help advance the peace process between and Azerbaijan as well as to address Russia’s continued occupation of sovereign land. Mr. Bono has a wealth multilateral and bilateral experience, having served in the positions of Acting Representative at the Atomic Agency, the United Nations Offices Vienna, and Charge d’Affaires ad interim for the Holy See. He also served as the Director of the Basrah Regional Office and on the National . He was also a advisor to the Deputy Secretary of State and the Under Secretary of States for Economic and Business Affair. He is retired from Army Reserves where he served as an instructor at West Point, the Army College and the Deputy Secretary of State for Economic and Business Affairs.
As he says, the United States are committed to helping Armenian and Azerbaijan to negotiate a comprehensive agreement for peace, including a long term political settlement to the conflict.
“Mr. Bono will work bilaterally with likeminded partners such as the Union and international organizations such as the OSCE to facilitate a direct dialogue between Armenian and Azerbaijan. His appointment also reaffirms that the United States values Georgia’s territorial integrity and sovereignty, as well as the role of the International Discussions on Georgia. This is the only international forum that addresses Russia’s occupation of 20 percent Georgia’s land.
Information source: www.state.gov


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