Mamuka Khzaradze says that in two days, we have an opportunity to defeat the nihilism of Russian politics and pass the historical test.  


Mamuka , leader of “Strong “, spoke at the party’s summary election event. She thanked the President of Georgia, , for her struggle, leadership, and the flag, which is called the Flag of Georgia in Europe.
Mamuka Khazaradze said that in two days, we “can change reality in the country which is based upon lies” and begin building a strong Georgia.
Khazaradze spoke of his unification programme – “Ilia’s Way”, and noted that both the program and planned changes will allow every citizen to feel deserving.
“I was 22 when the Berlin Wall fell, and I had my first wish that we too could be on this road. After that, and I worked together to introduce European technology, European and European investment in the period when we were business. We created dozens of businesses. stopped our country 12 years ago. Stop with these lies and promises. He was stopped because people believed the promises he made – 100 factories, free cash, promises that he’d surprise Europe with a special democracy.
All this must stop. The , which has destroyed thousands of jobs and tens of millions of dollars, is the most important project of the century. We can finish this in just two days because we can change this country’s reality, which is based upon lies, and begin building a strong Georgia.
We decided to follow the will of the Georgians – for twenty years, this country was ruled only by two parties. People stopped voting because there was no other option. We formed a new coalition consisting of “Lelo”, Ana Dolidze’s party “For People”, Aleko Elisashvili’s party “Citizens”, Levan Tsutskiridze’s “Freedom Square”, and the fourth President of Georgia Giorgi Marvelashvili. This new coalition created a real alternative to the two parties that ruled the country for 20 years.
“Strong Georgia”, a program with a strong message, is called “Ilia’s Road”. We know what this means for the Georgians. “Ilia’s Road”, the reforms we will undertake to join the European Union. We have implemented reforms which will make each Georgian feel valued and involved in the building of this strong country.
We will finish these projects and begin implementing new ones, such as Anaklia & the city of Anaklia – around Kutaisi, , Imereti etc. We will implement these projects,” Khazaradze said.
Khazaradze says that other parties make promises but “Strong Georgia”, on the contrary, delivers.
“Unlike other parties we make a promise that we will begin it in the first 3 weeks. We will begin this process and change the legislation in those first 3 weeks. We make commitments, not promises like other parties. We commit to doing it!
What is the new policy after 20 years of two parties ruling this country? Listening to and involving those who are willing to work all day and night and do whatever it takes is the key to making this new policy. These are mothers who wish to provide a better future and education for the children. We are gathered here to defend our independence. These veterans sacrificed themselves and our independence. These are young people that want to build their lives in Georgia and don’t think that their only option is to leave. Bidzina, and “Georgian Dream”, however, do not listen to their voice because they serve interests and the elite group that controls “Georgian Dream”. They are so involved in corruption, they don’t even know where they are.
This country needs leaders with a clean history and who have never been in power. They should also have a plan, and be willing to take risks. They shouldn’t come just because they are in power.
These are the leaders and founders of “Strong Georgia”. Voters should give such leaders a chance, yes, it is a chance for us to build a stronger country together.
This is a European decision because it is European. There is also a national decision, we are an indigenous nation, a European nation, and we are in this space with peace, protection for our religion, and protection of estates and territories.


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