Marko Mihkelson says the best thing to do is to impose sanctions on Russian oligarch Ivanishvili, and his puppet regime  


**Estonian Demands Action Against **

The chairman of the Foreign Committee in Estonia’ Parliament, , wants countries to take action against Georgia’s government. This comes after a protest was broken up by in Tbilisi.

Mihkelson says that imposing sanctions Russian oligarch Ivanishvili and his government is the best step to take. He also demands in the country. Mihkelson believes that countries like Malta, Finland, and Austria have made mistakes by meeting with Georgia’s self-proclaimed foreign minister.

**Calling for Support**

Mihkelson says that every day is important, and he wants Western countries to support Georgia’s people. He hopes that sanctions will be imposed on Ivanishvili and his government, forcing them to hold new elections.

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