MEP Rihards Kos: What we are witnessing in Georgia is nothing more than a deliberate attempt at overthrowing democracy – the democracy will and must win  


Richard Kols, European Parliamentarian, said that what we are witnessing in Georgia is nothing more than a deliberate effort to destroy democracy.
According to him the so-called Alien Transit and recent legislative changes are not only wrong, but dangerous.
“These laws sent out a restraining message not only to the Georgians, but also to international community. The laws, which are based on the Russian handbook, aim to suppress and limit freedoms of expression.
I express my solidarity with the Georgians, who are largely in favor of into the despite the actions of the present government which undermine this future”, said the MEP.
Kols spoke of the upcoming parliamentary on in Georgia. He said that it was vital that these elections meet the highest for transparency, fairness, and freedom.
“Anything less creates the risk that Georgia will further move away from the road to the European Union.
Let me be clear: While the government may try to manipulate narratives and the aspirations for a pro-European and future of the Georgians, they cannot and will never be silenced. Their democracy will and must win,” said Kols.


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