Michael Roth: The brutal attack on Giorgi Gakharia has me deeply concerned. I demand that the crime be investigated quickly and the perpetrator is punished appropriately  


**German Politician Speaks Out Against Attack Georgian Leader**

A German politician is demanding a full investigation into the attack on Giorgi , a leader of the opposition “For Georgia”. , of the of the German Bundestag, wrote on his social media account: “I am deeply concerned about the brutal attack on Giorgi Gakharia in “.

Gakharia was attacked at the Sheraton Hotel in Batumi last night. He was taken to a and later released from with injuries including a fractured nasal bone and a concussion.

**Another Confrontation Takes Place**

Not only Gakharia, but also another civil society representative, Zviad Koridze, was involved in a confrontation at the same hotel. According to Koridze, he was confronted by Dimitri Samkharadze, a member of the ruling party “Georgian Dream”, and his associates.

Roth demanded that the protect critical voices and not threaten them. He also wished Gakharia a speedy recovery.

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