Mikheil Saakashvili : I remember Mamuka Khazaradze standing at the rally demanding that I be released, I was in solidarity with him. There is strength in unity.  


I was also in support of when they promised him to be put in for the exact same charges that I am currently in jail with – the third President writes this, evaluating Mamuka Khazaradze’s statement, the leader the “Strong “.
As Saakashvili writes he agrees that the strength of should be in unity. Tina is the of “Unity – National Movement”.
“I remember Mamuka standing at the rally in 2021 demanding my release. I was also with him when he was going to be put in prison for the exact same fabricated charges that I am now in prison.
I agree with Tina [Bokuchava]: strength is in unity. “, Saakashvili says in a statement published on his page.
Mamuka Khazaradze, yesterday, said, after the survey, that there are two standards: in one room, Mikhel Sakashvili has an hour-and-a-half to discuss all the topics. In the other, I and others do not have the chance to discuss the topics that concern the . (Regarding the elections, i did not touch upon other topics).


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