NATO Parliamentary Assembly Calls for Ukraine’s Accession “As Soon as Possible”  


NATO Back Ukraine’ Bid to Join Alliance

of ‘s parliament have said they Ukraine becoming the 33rd member of the alliance. This was decided in a resolution passed on November 25.

The group, called the NATO , is not part of NATO itself. It makes suggestions, but has no direct power over what NATO does. The assembly wants NATO countries to work harder and faster to help Ukraine join the alliance as soon as possible.

Ukraine asked to join NATO in September . Last year, the alliance said that Ukraine’s path to joining is clear, but it still doesn’ know if it will be allowed to join. Seven countries, including the and Germany, are hesitant to let Ukraine join quickly. To join, all 32 current members must agree.

The assembly also asked more support for Ukraine, including weapons and money. They want this support to keep coming and even increase over time.

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